Anatolia Airlines Virtual Airlines is a non-profit organization composed of virtual flight enthusiasts.
New European Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of personal data ("GDPR"), effective from 25 May 2018.
Anatolia Airlines will not provide personal data to third parties without the explicit consent of the relevant person or persons.
What information do we need during registration:
Your name and surname
This is mandatory for the administration of members of our community and without this information it will not be processed by our registration system.
Valid Email Address
It is used to check whether the registration was made by a person and to exchange messages regarding our virtual flight activity. A valid email address is required.
Date of birth
To verify your age.
We process the personal data (name, surname and e-mail address) provided during the application for registration with our virtual flight company only for the purpose for which they were provided, in relation to the virtual flight hobby activity, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Act of 25 May 2018, generally known as GPDR. We do it as.
The ethical rules adopted by Anatolia Airlines and accepted by the board of directors are rules that Anatolia Airlines flying pilots and personnel, who are involved in the decision-making mechanism or pilot candidates who have applied for pilots and are awaiting approval, are obliged to comply with, limited to the responsibilities of third parties. The main guide on which they will base their relations with each other are basic management principles.
These ethical rules;
Board members,
CEO, General Manager and Deputy General Manager,
It includes third parties (limited to their responsibilities) who provide services to the Airline from outside the company under the names on the Anatolia Airlines Discord channel and who have the authority to access important internal information of the Airline. The airline informs the people listed above about the ethical rules and ensures that they comply with these rules.
1.2.1 Our Goal
In accordance with IVAO's point of view, our goal in the Virtual Aviation community is to meet the expectations of our pilots as a leader change, taking into account the conditions of legal standards, aspects related to the internal and external departments of the organization, and the expectations of the pilots, while IVAO meets the expectations of our pilots that we have as a leader change and the principle that the change is always in the right place and at the right time. We are constantly expanding our new pilots market and product with quality service at our standards.
1.2.2 Our Mission
Our main goal is to reduce competition in the international Virtual Aviation community by providing innovative, dynamic, open to change, continuous growth and performance. Our most important resource in achieving this goal is our Pilots. The high motivation of our pilots, the freedom, creativity of their teams, focus on flight and efficiency are the basis of our success. It is our priority to train our pilots in this regard and contribute to their development. -
1.2.3 Our Purpose
We work in cooperation based on mutual trust with other airlines and the IVAO and IVAOTR Division to which we are affiliated, and we share the same understanding of quality. We also accept rival airlines as part of our system. In order to be a leader in the Virtual Aviation community, we keep the quality of our technology and assets at the highest level, use them effectively and follow innovations closely. To be a respected and preferred airline at IVAO by ensuring the satisfaction of our pilots with quality products and services and by constantly improving the effectiveness of the service process and management system, taking into account risks and opportunities.
2.1 Management Responsibility
Within the framework of Anatolia Airline's ethical rules, managers are responsible for conveying these rules to all Pilots and carrying out activities in accordance with this rule. Documentation and information are provided to every pilot coming to Anatolia Airline through the training program, and the relevant department ensures that the pilots are informed that these rules will be considered an integral part.
3.1. Reliability and Honesty
Anatolia Airlines aims to be a symbol of reliability and respect towards its staff and pilots. Honesty and loyalty are indispensable principles in special activities authorized by the Airline management that may have an impact on the activities of our pilots.
It is a contract that ensures that information and documents, the confidentiality of which is clearly stated, regarding the document or business subject carried out between the parties, are not disclosed to any third party without the consent of the relevant person. With this agreement, the limits and conditions of confidentiality can be determined.
Information and documents that are provided by the Airline due to its location or that are likely to be learned as a guide for the pilots are evaluated within the framework of Airline secrets, articles and document information that have not been disclosed to the Airline community, confidential information regarding the personal rights of the personnel and pilots and in conversations with third parties, within the framework of the protection of Airline secrets.
Anatolia Airline takes care to protect the personal information of its personnel and pilots, as well as our stakeholders. In this context, personal information of personnel and pilots and all electronic correspondence made on behalf of the company are recorded by information systems and technologies. It does not interfere with the personal information and private lives of its personnel and pilots.
It is absolutely unacceptable to obtain benefits by any means by leaking any confidential information and/or documents belonging to Anatolia Airlines.
In case of leaving Anatolia Airline for any reason, he/she takes care to protect all documents, documents and confidential information possessed due to his duty and position and to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from being used against the Airline in the future.
People working at Anatolia Airline carefully avoid actions that may result in a conflict of interest and take care to protect the airline's decisions during their duties. They take care to protect all kinds of documents, documents and confidential information that may be of benefit to themselves or their relatives and to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from being used against the airline in the future.
6.1. Our Legal Responsibilities
Anatolia Airline is committed to high standards of ethical behavior. IVAO carries out all its activities in full compliance with laws and regulations.
While carrying out all its activities and legal obligations, it approaches all other airlines without any expectation of benefit, and maintains an impartial and equal distance towards political parties, non-governmental organizations (etc.).
Anatolia Airline ensures that all reports, documentation and records it prepares are kept in accordance with the national and international accounting principles determined in line with the current IVAO legislation.
6.2. Our Responsibilities Towards Society and the Environment
To support all kinds of activities and formations that will increase the responsibility of IVAO and IVAOTR Division in meeting the demands that fall within the responsibility area of IVAOTR Division affiliated with IVAO.
To particularly avoid abuse of office, disrespectful, unsympathetic and unresponsible unethical behavior and to make efforts to eliminate such actions.
To avoid providing or receiving services that do not provide privileges or benefits that are not compatible with the course of business that will affect our decisions and activities.
To make commitments that can be fulfilled in communication activities in all relationships and not to mislead.
To fulfill IVAO and IVAOTR Division instructions and all other obligations on time.
Not to use negative or derogatory statements about third parties.
6.3. Social Responsibility
Anatolia Airline develops projects in order to fulfill its social responsibilities.
It carries out studies to increase the awareness of our pilots.
6.4. Our Responsibilities Toward Their Personnel and Pilots
At Anatolia Airline, there is no discrimination based on race, religion, language, ethnicity, nationality or gender. Equal opportunities are provided to people under equal conditions.
Medals are awarded within the scope of the award system by personnel who have the necessary competence and qualifications to fulfill their assigned duties. When necessary, personnel are selected for the relevant department.
It offers airline pilots the opportunity to use safe, comfortable, technology-infused information and systems.
Individuals and individuals within the airline are expected to communicate and cooperate with each other within the framework of mutual trust, respect and courtesy.
The suggestions and requests of those within the airline are listened to and responded to by the personnel, and measures are taken to increase motivation.
6.5. Our Responsibilities Regarding the Industry, Competitors and Commercial Partners
We compete with competing airlines only on legal and ethical grounds, with active and mutual respect, and avoid violations of competition law.
We do not support attempts to restrict or restrict competition.
We are always open to mutual exchange of information and ideas.
We aim to exchange information with rival airlines, both in the airspace and in the air.
7.1. Aim
It defines the preparation, publication and revision methods of documents in the Anatolia Airline management system.
7.2. Scope
It covers the management, system and documentation activities carried out within Anatolia Airlines.
7.3. Definitions
Document: It is the document that shows how we will do the action. (Example: text, picture, drawing, photograph, etc.)
Controlled Copy: These are documents whose up-to-dateness is guaranteed in places where they should be included in our management system.
Quality Manual: It is a document that describes all activities that define the airline's quality policy, objectives, organization, authority and responsibilities.
External Document: These are documents prepared within the management system or included in the system from outside, supporting the performance of activities.
All documents in the Airline Management system must be checked completely and kept up to date by the authorized person or persons. All users can access documents on the airline system within their own authority. The originals of the documents are protected and kept by the airline. Documents created in the system by department managers can be changed in a controlled manner by being notified by the CEO.
8.1. Aim
It has been prepared to determine the basic principles of the process to be followed to ensure that Anatolia Airlines fulfills its obligations regarding the storage and destruction of personal data in accordance with the Regulation on the deletion, destruction and/or anonymization of personal data that has been administratively removed for the protection of personal data of Anatolia Airlines.
8.2. Scope
This policy covers personal data defined by the regulation and special personal data held by the airline. Personal data contained in systems where data is processed by fully or partially automatic means, as specified within the airline, or by non-automatic means, provided that it is part of any data recording system, are within the scope of this policy.
8.3. Responsibilities
Ensuring and monitoring the implementation of this policy,
Following up on possible changes in legislation, management regulatory procedures and decisions, and changes in technical infrastructure.
Monitoring and reviewing the work program regarding data storage and destruction, checking whether the activities carried out within the framework of the work programs are compatible with this policy, and ensuring that they are harmonized with this policy if incompatibilities are detected,
Fulfilling the various duties included in this policy.
Providing information to the CEO via e-mail regarding all transactions made,
9. Membership Application Conditions
Read the Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Fill out the application form completely.
The minimum age for Anatolia Airline membership is 16.
Users applying for Anatolia Airline are required to have an active account on IVAO.
For Anatolia Airline, users must have the "Advanced Flight Student" (FS3) rank on IVAO. Exceptions can be made by Anatolia Airline Member Relations Department.
Install Anatolia Airlines ACARS via NEWSKY (applied when your application is approved and the written exam is passed).
Users applying for Anatolia Airline must fill in all the information requested for the application with their real information. If incorrect information is declared during the application, the application will not be approved and if this situation is discovered after the application is approved, the membership will be suspended.
After your application is approved, wait for the approval of your application and subscribe to our Discord voice channel.
10. Membership Application Agreement
- Anatolia Airline stores the information you provided during registration for as long as your membership is not deleted.
If member accounts are inactive, user information continues to be stored despite reactivation. In case the account is deleted upon the user's request or by the system, the user information is also deleted.
- When registering with Anatolia Airline, you must provide your real personal information as stated in the Membership Terms.
As stated during registration with Anatolia Airlines, it is not mandatory for the user to provide a phone number.
- Flights made by Anatolia Airline, medals won, rankings and pilot profile can be seen by other members.
- On the publicly accessible page of the Anatolia Airline Website, name and surname, IVAO VID number, callsign, rank determined by the airline, registration date and total flight hours can be seen by everyone.
- All pilots, regardless of their country or nationality, have the right to access and/or delete all data.